Expediting Activities
Desk Expediting Service
This kind of service is generally performed on low criticality or non-strategic supplies. Desk expediting is best used to obtain general information like, submission of the required documentation, placement of sub orders, overall progress of the fabrication, and deliveries; relevant to a certain supply. This kind of service is generally performed at specific milestones or according to a frequency established by the customers or suggested by the expeditor. The success of the desk expediting service is maximized if performed in conjunction with field expediting visits.
Field Expediting
Delta Inspection & Expediting Consultation provides a wide range of on-field expediting services to ensure its customers, that all stages of engineering, procurement, fabrication and delivery processes are timely performed by their manufacturers in compliance with a known, agreed and reliable production programme. This kind of service is generally performed at main vendor or sub vendor ‘premises; at specific milestones or according to a frequency established by the customers or suggested by the field expeditors.
Resident Bases Expediting Service
A full-time expediting service is normally performed whenever a client requires an expeditor to visit a certain vendor on a full-time basis for a given period of time. The full-time expediting services allow our expeditors to monitor all the production processes and ensure that the expected delivery dates are met.
Project Coordination
The tasks of the Project coordinator is not just limited to scheduling the visits and submission of reports; our project coordinators are fully involved from the beginning of the assignment in establishing, along with the customer the level of services required; instruct personnel, provide them with all the information, documentation and instructions relevant to the assigned tasks, including established frequency of visits. Our Project coordinators have been trained in project management philosophy with a proactive attitude to problem solving.